After the 23 mile sail from Puerto Escondido, we dropped anchor in front of the small village of Agua Verde. Dirk and Silvia on Lison Life came over and we enjoyed some sun downers on Karuna. We agreed to do a hike to the cave paintings the next day, as they offered to be our tour guides since they had been there before.
It took us about an hour to hike up to the cave. The directions to the cave go like this: once you dinghy to shore, hike up the hill (closest to the north beach), and then go down the hill to the cemetery, and veer right. Once you find the palm tree oasis, stay left, walk a bit further, and then turn right at the big tree (note there are multiple "big trees", so good luck). Mender down the sand two-track and hope you picked the right one to the beach (watching for cows and horses), and turn left at the 6 sticks (which was really 11 sticks). Walk to the end of the mile long beach and turn left at the 3 sticks (which is actually 6 sticks). Follow yet another sand two-track (again hope you picked the right one) to a rock cairn, and turn right. Scramble up to the cave...without falling into a cactus or falling down the side of the cliff. We are glad we had our tour guides from Lison Life, as I'm not sure if we would have found it. It was a good work out and nice to stretch our legs.
The highlights of the hike were the views from the cave, the cave paintings, the palm tree oasis, and getting back to our dinghies before running out of water...or getting lost in the desert!
After the hike we had some much deserved beer and fish tacos at the small village restaurant: Brisa del Mar. The food was worth the wait!
There is a small teinda where we bought some apples and wheat flour. We paid for an hour of WiFi, but never got connected. I guess we weren't supposed to be in touch with the rest of the world for a bit longer. :)
Next up, we continue south to San Evaristo....